Have you ever thought about how your commute time affects your work performance? Although the average worker spends approximately 25 minutes traveling to and from work each day, your commute may be even longer. Beyond the daily frustration and stress caused by commuting, there are even bigger reasons why you may want to consider finding a job closer to home.
You Are Tired Before Work Starts
You may have difficulty finding a seat on the bus or get stuck in traffic while thinking about all the things you could be getting done. Rather than emitting positive energy, you begin feeling irritated, frustrated and stressed. By the time you get to work, you want to go home and forget all about your day. Unfortunately, you have to work the entire day and experience similar draining events on the commute home. As a result, you may end up coming in late and leaving early and/or resenting your work, further increasing absenteeism and decreasing productivity.
Your Health Is Suffering
If you drive more than 10 miles each way, you run the risk of increased blood sugar, which can drain your energy, decrease productivity and lead to diabetes. You also increase your risk for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease or stroke. Additionally, you face greater risk for depression, anxiety, social isolation and backaches. Further, you lower your level of cardiovascular fitness, which affects your heart health and maintaining a healthy weight. Additionally, if your commute is greater than 45 minutes per day, you may experience lower sleep quality and greater exhaustion, which often leads to slower response times, lower work production, and increased mistakes and injuries.
You Feel Less Life Satisfaction
A commute of 30 minutes or longer by bus typically results in the lowest levels of life satisfaction. Also, the longer your commute by bike, the lower your overall life satisfaction levels. One reason is your work commute puts stress on your personal relationships. Another is your happiness level affects your work performance, which typically go up and down at the same time. Plus, when you are unhappy, you are more likely to miss work, resulting in greater absenteeism and lower productivity.
Work With the Experts Who Look for the Win-Win-Win
Candidates that Alliance Resource Group has worked with over the years know we are not looking to just place people in typical corporate finance jobs. Our top priority is seeking out, meeting and partnering with top financial professionals across Southern California. We match these candidates with dynamic companies that provide job opportunities to take their accounting and finance careers to the next level. All of this is driven by our commitment to our Core Values.
With our candidate-first approach, we commit ourselves to finance and accounting professionals’ careers. Regardless of your level of experience, we have a dedicated recruiter who is a subject matter expert for your background. Whether you’re looking in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego or nationwide, we can help you.
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With our candidate-first approach, we commit ourselves to finance and accounting professionals’ careers. Regardless of your level of experience, we have a dedicated recruiter who is a subject matter expert for your background. Whether you’re looking in Orange County, Los Angeles, San Diego or nationwide, we can help you. Contact our team of experts today.