Alliance Resources

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Self-Reflection Tips: How to Improve Your Management Style When Top Employees Leave Your Office

A common saying is that people do not leave companies, they leave managers. Part of employees’ dissatisfaction is due to management styles. Because certain styles do not work well with certain workforces, you need to adopt a management style that blends with company culture and increases employee engagement. When searching for top finance professionals, partner with the experienced Orange County Finance Recruiters at Alliance Resource Group.

  • Blend Management Styles

Understand each of the five management styles and adopt the one that best fits each situation. For instance, an autocratic management style involves adherence to rigid rules, dictating methods and processes, and expecting error-free outcomes. A coaching management style uses tools and resources to motivate employees, focuses on helping team members develop their strengths and improve performance, and promotes engagement and growth. An affiliative management style puts people first and tasks second to create a harmonious work environment. A participative management style encourages employee involvement in analyzing problems and strategizing solutions to create a sense of ownership, pride, and engagement.  A pacesetting management style sets the tone and cadence for others to follow to increase performance and results.

  • Share Your Vision

Clearly explain to your team what your vision for the department and company looks like. Clarify what the company’s purpose is along with whom and what you want to impact.  Engage your employees in planning for the future. Send a follow up email to recap your vision and team ideas for implementation. Post your team’s plan in places where they can see it every day to deliver their best performance.

  • Openly Communicate

Maintain open communication with your team. Create a culture where your employees work together to attain common goals. Ask and encourage questions to cultivate engagement and check understanding of the information shared. Interact regularly to check in with each team member.

  • Offer Challenges

Challenge your employees so they continue learning. Providing opportunities to build their skillset and experience level encourages promotion within the organization. Allow your teammates to tackle projects or train in other areas of the business.

  • Admit Your Mistakes

Tell your team when you make a mistake. Show that you are human so you gain their respect and loyalty. Ask which lessons can be learned and how you may improve. Implement your teammates’ ideas to move forward.

  • Express Gratitude

Openly show gratitude for your team. Thank each member for their contributions. Privately and publicly acknowledge individual and team efforts and accomplishments. Ask your employees to do the same. They will feel more satisfied, engaged, and willing to perform their best.

Work with Top Orange County Finance Recruiters

When you need top finance professionals, work with Alliance Resource Group. Our seasoned finance recruiters provide the executive search, consulting, and temporary staffing solutions you need to succeed. Reach out to us today.
