Alliance Resources

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The Key to Deploying Additional Employee Recognition Practices in 2020

Recognition is a key driver of employee engagement. Staff tend to stay productive and put in their best performance when they’re consistently recognized for their contributions. For this reason, you want to continuously improve your employee recognition program to attain maximum impact on your company in 2020. For help hiring top accounting and finance professionals, reach out to Alliance Resource Group, the leading corporate finance Recruiters in Irvine.

Encourage Leadership to Recognize Employees

Remind your leaders how important it is that they recognize employee contributions. Performance-driven programs are most effective when recognition comes from managers, high-level leaders, and CEOs. Although peer recognition is important as well, leadership must lead by example. Managers, leaders, and CEOs must recognize employees early and often set the tone for a recognition-rich culture. Habitually using a formal recognition program and practicing informal, spontaneous micro recognition is essential to success.

Promote Open Communication 

Effective employee recognition needs to be ongoing throughout each day. Employees need to understand how to use the recognition system, which behaviors are rewarded and why they’re important. To encourage proper behavior, the criteria need to be continuously enforced. This is especially important so new hires stay in the loop. Ensure leaders invest in technology and planning for the education and long-term sustainability of the program. Create a communication strategy based on shared responsibility among HR, senior leaders and management, and supporters of culture. Everyone should communicate the ins and outs of your recognition program. Set clear roles and responsibilities to show how everyone is a stakeholder in the program’s success. Teach employees how to interact with the program. Inform them of behaviors that get recognized and why they’re valuable.
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Expand Your Recognition Base

Rather than focusing employee recognition only on length of service, outperforming company benchmarks and retirement, expand your scope of what is praiseworthy. Since recognition is about the employee’s emotional state of mind, behaviors that lead to desired outcomes are just as important. For instance, recognize behaviors tied to company culture and values. Champion team wins, knowledge sharing and innovation. Show support for learning, collaboration and other behaviors that contribute to wins.

Continuously Improve Your Recognition Program

Always be improving your employee recognition program. Use employee feedback and data pulled from your program to guide your decisions about what to change. Focus on short cycles of development with periods of reassessment and reprioritization. During review periods, focus on consulting feedback and program data to determine adjustment of future sprints to meet benchmarks. Think about what the goals of your program are and how they shifted since first implementation. Determine how your employees are responding to recognition. Find out what can be improved.

Hire Highly Recognized  Accounting and Finance Professionals

Hire top accounting and finance professionals through Alliance Resource Group. We offer executive search, interim placements, consulting and support staffing to fill your business needs. Partner with us today.
