Alliance Resources

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Should You Offer Flex-Time to Your Accounting Team to Help Them Manage Personal Schedules?

Flex-time is very important to accounting professionals. Having a strong work-life balance allows them to take care of personal responsibilities while fitting in work. Team members make fewer errors, experience less stress, and avoid burnout when working a flexible schedule. Whether having a compressed workweek, flexibility in start and end times, having two part-time accountants fill one full-time position, or being able to work some hours in-office and some remotely, staff appreciate having options for completing their tasks. Learn some pros and cons of offering flex-time before deciding whether to offer it to your accounting team. When searching for experienced accounting talent, reach out to Alliance Resource Group, Orange County’s leading accounting and Finance Recruitment Agency. 

Advantages of Flex-Time 

Offering your team flex-time can result in hiring additional accounting professionals. Flex-time provides greater work-life balance, productivity, and employee retention. It also decreases absenteeism and turnover. Professionals appreciate the trust and respect they receive when offered flex-time.    

Disadvantages of Flex-Time 

Offering flex-time may make it more challenging to schedule your accounting staff. Needing them available during peak business hours may require creativity with your scheduling. Because some team members are more productive in the morning while others accomplish more in the afternoon or evening, it can be difficult for scheduling meetings. There also may be a lag when answering emails or returning phone calls, which could affect time-sensitive projects you may be working on.   

Creating a Plan 

If you decide to implement flex-time, create a plan. Consider how a new schedule would affect company culture, which accounting roles would be most amenable to the change, and which positions should remain as they are, such as client-facing positions. Define your objectives for implementing flex-time, such as enhancing employee morale, creating around-the-clock productivity, or reducing workplace-related expenses, to create an appropriate company policy. Formalize the policy in your employee handbook.  

Implementing Your Plan  

To implement your flex-time plan, sit down with each teammate to clearly define their goals. Ensure they are specific, actionable, and easily measured so your team knows what to work on whether they start before you do or work after you are done. Set core hours for when your staff needs to be working so they are available during peak times and you can schedule meetings. Determine how productive your team is throughout the upcoming months to see whether flex-time should still be offered.   

Hire Top Accounting Professionals in Orange County and L.A. 

When searching for experienced accounting talent, reach out to Alliance Resource Group. As Orange County’s leading accounting and Finance Recruitment Agency, we walk you through the search process every step of the way, throughout the candidate’s first year and beyond, to ensure a smooth process with the highest chance of success for everyone. Talk with us today!    
