Alliance Resources

News, information and insights from your partner in finance and accounting recruitment.

Smarter Hiring: Working with a Recruiter

With our country’s historic unemployment numbers due to COVID-19, business leaders might understandably assume it’s easy to find talent for open finance and accounting positions. In fact, the opposite is true.
While the hiring pool is exponentially larger than a year ago, that doesn’t necessarily translate to “top talent” actively looking for new roles. The smartest companies are working with recruiters to quickly and efficiently find the best possible match for open positions.
You can’t assume your ideal candidate is out of a job, worried about their company’s financial future, or even unhappy with where they are in their career. It’s true they might be more likely to take a call about a potential new job, but don’t count on them monitoring job boards or actively looking.
As business leaders, we are all at a critical juncture. We’re navigating through one of the most challenging economic times of our generation, trying our best to curtail losses while determining how best to capitalize on the eventual rebound.
During these critical times, the difference between a good performer and a top performer could change the trajectory of the entire company. And with numbers, cash flow and budgets so profoundly important, it’s critical that your accounting and finance team is up to the task. You need the strongest, smartest teams possible to succeed.
Granted, we are in a deep recession. You’ve most likely made deep cuts, laid people off and asked other to take pay cuts. How can you justify paying a recruiter?
Glad you asked. Here are a few of our top reasons:

  • The candidate pool is huge, but not necessarily full of premium talent. Recruiters already know who the best people are and can connect with them quickly.
  • If your in-house team posts an ad, they might get hundreds or even thousands of resumes, which will take countless hours to review. Is that the best use of their time (and your budget)?
  • Finance and accounting teams have not been as hard hit by the pandemic-induced recession. This demographic’s unemployment rate pales in comparison to retail, hospitality or travel, making them a little trickier to find.
  • Rock star accounting and finance professionals are most likely working overtime to help their companies make it through these turbulent times. They’re probably not answering random LinkedIn messages or focusing on anything that isn’t critical to their jobs. They will, however, pick up a call from a trusted recruiter with whom they’ve had a long relationship.
  • Once your HR team has gone through resumes and narrowed down the prospects, the interviews begin. The perfect candidate on paper may not be a culture fit. A recruiter would already know this and, once again, saved you time and money.
  • Hiring mistakes can be especially costly during a period of uncertainty. Your existing team has been working hard to ensure the company weathers the storm. Adding a poor fit into the mix can cause a ripple effect of disruption. Don’t risk it!
  • Likewise, you might inadvertently hire someone who sees the job as a temporary stepping-stone. You spend time and resources onboarding them only to have them leave when a better offer appears. Recruiters are in it for the long-term win and can help you avoid candidates with wandering eyes.
  • In unprecedented times, you need someone who understands your company and who isn’t afraid of selling to prospects.
    • Our recruiters pride themselves in understanding what motivates each candidate and will know exactly how to pitch your company to speak directly to each prospect.
    • We’re also adept at sharing your company’s full story, including any setbacks suffered during COVID-19, in a compelling, constructive way.
    • We want to sing your praises and won’t be shy about what we see as the perks to working with you.

This year, we’ve all learned to pivot to adapt to circumstances beyond our control. We’ve needed to be agile and act fast. The same is true for your teams — every day you don’t have the right person sitting in the right seat means missed opportunities. And there are ALWAYS opportunities during a recession like this. Our recruiters are focused on precision and speed as they work to match your opening with the best-possible candidate. We’re in it for the triple win — for you, for the candidate and for us.
More questions about why you need a recruiter? Let’s talk.

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