Alliance Resources

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Career Resolutions for 2022

Whether looking for a new job, applying for a promotion or seeking professional development, it’s always a good practice to have career resolutions for a new year. And 2022 brings unusual circumstance to professional planning.

With the “War for Talent” and the “Great Resignation,” there is ample opportunity to position yourself for career advancement.

Here are five resolutions you should consider for the year ahead.

1) Find a Mentor

Nothing promotes greater opportunity for personal and professional development than face-to-face time with a senior colleague who is dedicated to helping you achieve career goals. If you are currently working with a manager or leader you respect, don’t hesitate to go deeper. Ask for feedback, greater responsibility and a roadmap to your next promotion.

On the contrary, if you do not feel your current manager is invested in your future success, consider an internal transition if possible or jump ship. 2022 is all about you, and in a hot job market you have myriad avenues to explore.

2) Upskill for a Digital World

The past two years have taught us that we must be in a constant state of self-improvement and learning. We need to be agile and ready to adapt. We need skillsets to navigate change, and it is imperative to be on the vanguard of new technology. With hybrid work a cornerstone of 2022, you must be well-versed with online collaboration platforms, video conferencing software and remote work etiquette.

3) Spend More Time in the Office

The post-holiday COVID spike has once again highlighted the need for hybrid work policies. Your safety and the safety of your coworkers should be paramount. But when the numbers drop again and you feel comfortable returning, it could create a unique opportunity for you to shine. Use the face time with managers to stand out from others, step up to new challenges, and discuss your professional aspirations.

4) Network In-Person and Online

Commit to online and, when it’s safe, in-person networking. Now is the time to move beyond isolation and pledge to reconnect with current colleagues and co-workers from previous jobs. Explore associations and follow industry leaders. Invite a peer to lunch, get to know parents on your child’s soccer team and expand connections on LinkedIn. You never know where you will find your next opportunity, so make every connection count.

5) Engage or Re-Engage with a Recruiter

Qualified recruiters can provide immense value to your career in the short- and long-term. Find a good recruiter, then explain your career goals and the opportunities that interest you. Ensure the recruiter knows your full skillset and what makes you stand out from the competition.

Whether or not you are interested in making a move this year, cultivate that relationship. A skilled recruiter can be a huge career ally when you are ready.

Learn how Alliance Resource Group can help you plan for 2022 and beyond.


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